Practice Area
"Psychiatrists, Psychologists and counselling work as primary caregivers for their patients. Psychiatrist assess and provide pharmacological treatment to the client. Duties of a clinical psychologist or counselors include conducting mental health assessments, developing individualized treatment plans, leading individual or group therapy sessions, running preventative mental wellness classes or workshops. We are also specialized in treatment of depression, anxiety, Bipolar, OCD, conversion disorder and neurodevelopmental disorders and follow the following managements"

Psychological Evaluation
Personality Test
Intelligence Test
Neuropsychological Assessment
Learning Disability
Autism Assessment
Achievement, Attitude & Aptitude Test
Vocational Assessment
Adult Psychotherapy
Psychoanalytic Approach
Behavioral Approach
Cognitive Approach
Humanistic Approach
Integrative and Eclectic
Mindfulness Approach
Child/Adolescent Management
Art & Sand Therapy
Play Therapy
Behavioral Management
Life Coaching
Career Counselling
Geriatric Psychotherapy
Behavioral management,
Cognitive rehabilitation,
Psychological wellbeing
Substance Abuse
De Addiction Programs
Motivational enhancement
Relapse prevention
Behavioral management
Marriage and Relationship
Pre Marital Counselling
Marriage & Family Counselling
Sex Therapy
Relationship Issues (LGBTQ +)